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these are

Years ago I started making a list of things I no longer consider, don't prefer, find to be poor in quality or merit, etc. and I would say "such and such has been cancelled" imagining that would mean it would go out of production or be scrubbed from the earth, but just as a light-hearted imaging. Eventually, I started jotting down this list. Since then, as you know, the more serious so-called "cancel culture" emerged. My earlier, personal concept has no connection to sincere boycotts and such, but, alas, I must change the name to differentiate from the broader concept and discussion.


Thus, I will say the following have been rescinded due to weather, personal bias, whim, or whatever. Ironically, today, I wanted to rescind Tom Cruise, not due to connection with Scientology which is amusing from afar (not as amusing up close, I imagine), but because of the propaganda that is his latest movie . . . but then that sounds a lot like actual cancel culture. Perhaps the maniac is where these two lists would converge. 


So, finally, these things are no more:


  • Low-grade block cheese (Kraft, store-brand . . . anything that reminds of play dough), 2018


  • Gifs in social media replies unless it's perfect, 2018


  • Rudimentary reaction ploys in social media posts, 2018 (see helpful Batman & Robin graphic to right)


  • The penny, 2018 (finally! sorry I didn't get on that sooner)


  • Potato chips, 2018 [Late July brand, jalapeno, and select kettle excepted as of 6.23.22]


  • NFL, 2018


  • Netflix, 2018​


  • Astro Conquest purchases (until further notice), 2018


  • Papa John’s, 2018


  • Taco Bell, 2017


  • NBA (except when LeBron is in the semi-finals or finals), 2014


  • Low-fat dairy products, 2013


  • MLB, 2011


  • Select Long John Silver’s locations may be left open temporarily to allow those inclined to realistically consider visiting one last time, but not to actually go; otherwise, it’s over, 2008


  • Microwave oven, 2008


  • Wendy’s except if someone else gets you a baked potato, 2006


  • Cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and all that, 2002


  • Television, 1998


  • McDonald’s, 1995


  • Smartphones canceled concurrent with their invention, 1992


  • Prom, 1992


Under review:


  • All adult main role actors except Jodie Foster, Sigourney Weaver, Bill Murray, Christian Bale, and Christoph Waltz, since 9.26.18


  • All music except the following, played (recorded or live) by the original artist(s) or specifically named performers, though closer scrutiny may well eliminate some or even all of these:

    • "Asturias," Issac Albeniz or performed by Ana Vidovic

    • "Sound of Silence," Simon on Garfunkel

    • "Nightswimming," R.E.M.

    • "Perfect Day,"  Lou Reed

    • "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor," Bach, or performed well by anyone on organ or harp, or Marcin Patarzalik on guitar, yes, on guitar

    • "When the Levy Breaks," Led Zeppelin

    • "Where did you Sleep Last Night," Leadbelly

    • "Electric Pow Wow" and "Burn Your Village to the Ground," Tribe Called Red

    • Most Velvet Underground

    • Most Pink Floyd

    • "Fake Plastic Trees" and "Street Spirit (Fade Out)," Radiohead

    • "Under Pressure," Queen and David Bowie

    • "Heroes," David Bowie

    • "Once in a Lifetime," Talking Heads

    • "Southern Man" and "Cortez the Killer," Neil Young

    • "Hold Your Head Up," Argent

    • "Redemption Song," Bob Marley or performed by Moodswings

    • "Going up the Country," Canned Heat


  • France, since 5.26.18


  • Hot dogs, since 5.8.18


  • NHL, since 4.24.18

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What else needs
to be rescinded? Submit
a request.

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